Build A Better Planet

Pollution : The presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects.

Recycle : Convert (waste) into reusable material.

Green Bots was founded by four beautiful minds: Ashley Brown, Pranathi Bhat, Darsh Chavre and Daniel Dohou. These young minds and future tech giants came together to innovate and solve the problem of Global Pollution. The difficulties caused by the contamination of Earth’s resources are saddening, an example is the landfills, and their threat to aquatic life, among many others. The contamination of the Earth is a global problem that can never be totally stopped, because as humans, we tend to create more waste as we live. Pollution cannot be stopped, but it can be greatly reduced through Recycling. At Green Bots, we try our very best to create awareness on environmental pollution. We have trained an AI model, GreenBot. GreenBot helps our users identify human waste, and classify these wastes as biodegradable, food waste, non biodegradables, and recyclables. Then, our users are educated on how they can recycle waste. We are confident in our product, and it helps us raise awareness on how we can save Mother Earth from the peril caused by pollution and environmental contamination.

Let's learn the facts :

Did you know?

Every year, the global population generates approximately 1.3 billion tons of waste (equivalent to the weight of 6.5 million blue whales).

No way...

Exposure to air pollution during early pregnancy increases the risk of birth defects.

Wait what.

About 11 million cars were designed to cheat air pollution tests.


Recycling plastic takes 88% less energy than making it from raw materials.

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